Project Team
Here you can find a short curriculum of the experts and technicians that are involved in the project

Lucia Zappalà
She is currently full professor of general and applied entomology at Di3A of the Univ. from Catania. She teaches “Stored food product pests” and “Crop protection techniques against animal parasites”. She is responsible for internationalization for the technical-scientific field. She has been a member of EFSA’s Plant Health Panel since 2018 and of the Italian National Academy of Entomology since 2019.
Research topics: biological control agents; insecticidal substances of natural origin; side effects of pesticides on natural enemies.
She is the coordinator of the University of Catania working group.

Antonio Biondi
He is an assistant professor at Di3A since 2015, working for the section of Applied Entomology. He gives lectures on agricultural parasitology and entomology, as well as on Arthropod IPM. His research activities are focused mainly on the sustainable control of invasive insect pests on Mediterranean agroecosystems, with particular focus on biocontrol and bioinsecticides (eco)toxicology. Antonio participates in the editorial board of several international journals and he is Editor in Chief for Journal of Pest Science. He is the GT5 leader.

Carmelo Rapisarda
Professor of General and Applied Entomology at the University of Catania (since 2001) and Visiting scientist at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (2019-2022). Convenor of the “Integrated control in protected crops, Mediterranean climate” working group of the International Organization of Biological Control. Member of the Italian National Academy of Entomology. Research lines: pests of Mediterranean crops and their environmentally friendly control; impact of climate change on biocoenoses in agro-ecosystems. Carmelo is active in the GT3 and GT4.

Giuseppe Massimino Cocuzza
PhD, working since 2006 as assistant professor at Di3A, sect. Applied Entomology. The scientific fields of main interest are Hemiptera Sternorrhinchi (aphids, aleurodids and psyllids), the integrated control of various agricultural crops and molecular techniques applied for the study of insects. Since 2010, holder of the Entomological Biotechnology course in the CdL in Agricultural Biotechnology. Participate in the project included in the GT3 group.

Vittoria Catara
PhD, Associate Professor in Plant Pathology at Di3A. Her research activity focus on molecular diagnosis; phenotypic and genomic characterization of plant pathogenic and beneficial bacteria; molecular plant-bacteria interaction and related genomics and microbiome studies. Main crops of interest: tomato, brassicas, carrot, citrus, olive, pear. Present appointments: Vice Chair COST16170 EuroXanth; Coordinator of the Master degree in “Agricultural Biotechnology”, Di3A, UniCT; Senior Editor of Australasian Plant Disease Notes, Springer; Associate Editor of European Journal of Plant Pathology, Springer. She is involved in the GT3 activities.

Matilde Tessitori
PhD, Associate Professor of Plant Pathology at Di3A. Research activities: plant pathogenic viruses, viroids and phytoplasmas; diagnosis and genomic characterisation, host-pathogen- vector interactions. She teaches Plant Virology and Phytopathological Diagnostics. She is evaluator and rapporteur for REA (Research Executive Agency, European Commission); Associate Editor of European Journal of Plant Pathology, Springer. She participates in GT3.

Gaetano Chinnici
He is an assistant professor at Di3A since 2018, working in the research unit Agricultural Economics and Valuation. He gives lectures on agri-food economics. His research activities are focused mainly on the farm income analysis, consumer behaviour and circular economy. Gaetano participates in GT6.

Mario D’Amico
Full Professor at the Di3A Department, University of Catania. Is a teaching of Marketing and Food industry Management. Member of Commission to National Scientific Habilitation (ASN) for SC 07/A1 (2018-2021). Member active (since 2019) of Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR). Board member of the international PhD programme in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science (since 2013), Universiy of Catania. President (2016/2017-2019/2020) of Food science and technology MsC (LM 70 – University of Catania). Board Member of some indexed Journals (Scopus / WoS).

Gioacchino Pappalardo
Associate Professor at the Di3A Department, University of Catania. He currently teaches “Strategic Management of the Farm” and “Food Economy”. He was Visiting Research Scholar in the Department of Agriculture Economics and Agribusiness (AEAB) at University of Arkansas (USA) (from January 2018 to May 2018) and Visiting Research Scholar in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Oklahoma State University (USA) (from 15-01-2015 to the 30-04-2015). Board Member of some indexed Journals (Scopus/WoS).

Brahim Chermiti
He has 40 year experience in the field of economic entomology and arthropod pest biological control at the Biological Sciences and Plant Protection Department at ISA-CM. He gives lectures for advanced levels in entomology and biological control. He is investigating all aspects of endemic and introduced agricultural pests with a focus on developing IPM packages against bottle neck pests. He is/was member and coordinator of many national and international cooperation projects.
Brahim is the coordinator of INTEMAR.

Khaled Abbes
He is assistant professor in entomology and biological control of insect pests at the Biological Sciences and Plant Protection Department at ISA-CM since 2016. He gives lectures on zoology, general and applied entomology and biological control. His research activities are focused mainly on bio-ecology, biological and alternative control methods of insect pests. He is member of many national and international research projects on various topics.

Lobna Hajji
She is a member of the research unit RU.13AGRO4: Biological and Integrated Control in Organic Farming in ISA-CM. She has 8 years of research experience in plant pathology, including research on plant pathogenic nematodes and their interactions with fungal plant pathogens. Her research activities are focused on plant pathology, environmental interaction, biodiversity, molecular biology, genomics, intergrated pest management and interactions between root knot nematodes and Fusarium.

Kaouthar Grissa
She has 30 years of experience in the Plant Health and Environment Department of the National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia (INAT), University of Carthage. Professor and researcher in Entomology, Acarology, biological and integrated pest control against crop pests. She has led various national and international projects dealing with integrated pest management against the most important pests in agriculture. She is a member of GTA 4.

Amira Mougou
She is an assistant professor at the National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia. She has 15 years of experience in plant protection and more specifically in phytopathology.
Her research focuses on the etiology of diseases and the search for control alternatives for the management of fungal diseases of vegetable and tree crops.
She has participated in several national projects dealing with fungal disease management in strategic crops. She is a member of GTA 4.

Asma Cherif
PhD, post-doctoral researcher of general and applied entomology at National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia, University of Carthage. Her research activities are focused on chemical ecology and its usefulness in pest management. Also, she is interested in biological control of invasive pests mainly with predators and parasitoids as Trichogramma species. She participates in GT4.

Wiem Hached
Currently post-doctoral researcher at the National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia, University of Carthage. His research activities are concerned with surveys of certain crop pests abundance and the use of chemical and biological means to control them. She participated in the animation of training days on the fight against citrus and pomegranate pests. She participates in GTA 4.

Awatef Ouni
she is an INAT engineer in plant protection. she has 5 years of experience and has participated within the Ministry of Agriculture in national campaigns to control pests of olive trees and citrus fruits. She participated in the national campaign of biological control against the date moth E. ceratoniae by releasing trichogramma in pomegranate orchards. She and a member of GT4.

Marwa Hassine
PhD in Agronomic Sciences and post-doctoral researcher at the Laboratory of Genetics and Cereals Improvement at the National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia (INAT), University of Carthage. Her research activities are focused on evaluating the effect of sustainable agriculture on the management of biotic stress (fungal diseases) on the quality of indigenous and improved genetic resources of durum wheat in hot spot areas of Tunisia.